Services and Rates

proofreading services

I will be the final set of eyes for your project. I can proofread anything from books to websites, trade and consumer publications, training and product manuals, research papers, academic essays, e-books, product labels, and communication materials. You name it, I'll proof it!

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proofreading process

I use Microsoft Word Track Changes as my preferred method of proofreading. I also utilize the Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition), and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th Edition) as my resources, but I will happily adjust to your preferred style guide and/or dictionary. I will find and mark errors on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and improper word usage.

proofreading rates

Since each project is unique, rates will vary depending on the length of the project, technicality, and deadline. I will be glad to give you a personalized quote for your particular project.